Monday, November 7, 2011


Nu ska jag sminka mig och sen åka ifrån detta kalla hus. Ut till solen måste jag, det är så skönt höstväder ute idag!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, i love your blog! and read it all the time..and you seem so nice and smart!

    Im about to do the same as you, and im applying now.. Im starting at SMC, then i want to transfer to CSUN..(saving money etc., since SMC is less expensive school).
    But an "academic" question..i have to answer about "Primary education goal". My goal is to get a bachelor of course. But to transfer to CSUN as fast as possible. I HOPED i could just attend SMC for 1 year. But i dont understand, under Primary Education says "Transfer without an Associate Degree", "Associate in Arts Degree (No transfer)" or "Transfer WITH a Associate in Arts Degree".
    Is it possible i could get a little help from you here? I dont have to take my whole Associate degree there do i, i can transfer..but what if i change my mind?

    What i do wonder about is the meaning of the different things. What did you do?

    Youre help would be grately appreciated!

    Thank you :)
