Friday, September 16, 2011

Gnite Ppl

Har varit hemma hos Cala ikväll och ätit tacos, alldeles för många kakor och haft girl talk. Mysmys!! Nu ska jag sova, skola imorgon, och förhoppningsvis kommer min sis hit och hälsar på!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi again, i was the one asking about the school, and how it would work. But i was under the impression that i just could take 1 year at SMC and THEN transfer to CSUN? But i have to take 2 years? Im thinking about journalism & broadcasting..which they have at SMC and CSUN. But i guess i need the general classes as u talked about..?
    Can you tell me again how much it costs per semester at CSUN? (in dollars)

    Thank you so much for your answers, again, they are in much help! :)
